Boys' High Beds

Perfect for boys aged 6+ who always wanted to sleep on the top bunk.

Boys High Beds


Our high boys sleeper beds are a fantastic way to maximise space with a range of furniture and storage options that fit underneath the high bed. Read more about high beds in our high sleeper buyers guide.

Boy’s high beds are perfect for boys aged 6 and over, allowing them to sleep on the raised bed whilst providing a vast amount of storage space underneath which is ideal. Multi-functional furniture such as boys’ high beds are perfect if you’re tight on space. They allow for various pieces of furniture to be kept underneath and a good number of things to be stored in them.

A benefit of boys’ high beds is that the height allows for decent amounts of storage such as wardrobes, a desk and chests of drawers. There are various different options for storage underneath highsleeper beds; you can tailor it to your child’s hobbies and interests. The desk option is great for older children who have homework to do or exams to study for whereas high beds with a sofa bed underneath are perfect for those who always have sleepovers, or just need space to relax. Customisation is Key You can choose from a variety of storage options for underneath your boys’ high beds depending on your needs. The space is big enough to fit a wardrobe and drawers for those who need the extra storage. A bed with sofa is a great option for children who tend to have a lot of sleepovers or like to have a separate space to relax in their room. For the more studious child, there is the option to have a desk so they can experience having their own personal study space. Shop Boys’ High Beds with Room to Grow today.

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